Alternative Wellness


Raindrop Therapy

Young Living Essential Oils, Raindrop applies a succession of 10 different pure herbal oils, (peppermint, basil, and marjoram to name a few... ) first to the souls of the feet and then to the back/spine for high absorption potential and rapid dispersement of medicine.

The oils act to clear away negative energy/impurities, mentally,physically and spiritually, and likewise rebuild damaged cells. The health benefits include but are not limited to boosting immunity, reducing pain and inflammation, reducing stress, emotional clearing, opening respiratory system and balancing blood flow, aiding in healthy nervous system function and digestion.

Applied with particular massage therapy techniques this healing session has the potential to become your favorite way to relax and detoxify your whole being... you can experience raindrop on its own or add it to a facial service. $147



Alternative wellness classes by The Aroma Tribe

**The Aroma Tribe also offers training for anyone wanting to learn how to do this incredible, restorative therapy (you do not need to be a licensed professional to heal yourself and your loved ones) ask about how you can get a kit of your own for home use.


Class offering #1

3 hours course

Emotional Release with Young Living therapeutic grade Essential Oils

What you will learn in this course:

  • Identify the emotion or the feeling (the painful pattern)

  • Understand it, bring it into conscious awareness

  • Look at and feel the other side , the positive emotion( learning the lesson)

  • Using specific points (release and filter points) basics of applied kinesiology and specific healing oils. Shifting the energy from negative to positive.

  • Smell (awakening the limbic system of the brain) locating alarm points, acquiring tools for personal empowerment to heal yourself and others.

*Cost: $250

*Book included in class fee.

Class offering #2

4 hours course

Young Living's famous Raindrop Therapy Technique

This class will includes:

  • 2.5 hours of hands on training and 30 min of history and discussion on the specific oils used and their capabilities.

  • We will provide all needed oils for the class,

  • In this class you will give and receive this balancing, restorative, detoxifying treatment.

Cost: $300